About Juliana Zambrano Navia, MD

Resident Perspective

The fact that I loved my psychiatry rotations is unsurprising, but I would like to highlight the non-psychiatry rotations that were incredible, throughout. I am surprised at how much I enjoyed my time in internal medicine at MGH. Although this is the patient population that I wish to work with, I did not anticipate enjoying medicine as much. The team dynamics and immersive learning experience were fantastic and have led to opportunities to continue to work with the department in following years. The neuropsychiatry and neurology rotations were also great and served to deepen my understanding of neuropathology, imaging, and semiology, and to continue to think about how we as psychiatrists can be curious, thoughtful, and helpful in the interface of our specialty with all others.

Clinically, I am most excited about starting clinic and having dedicated time for psychotherapy and pharmacology supervision as I begin to take ownership of a panel of patients. Besides clinical pursuits, I am so thrilled to have more research/elective time next year where I will be working on some of my research interests and projects.

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