Clinician Educator Program

The Clinician Educator Program’s (CEP) mission is to prepare residents for a career as clinician educators by offering additional training and mentorship toward developing skills in teaching and education during residency. The CEP will focus on developing educator knowledge and skills, as well as academic scholarship in medical education.

CEP Co-Directors: Elizabeth Madva, M.D., David Frederick, M.D., Ashika Bains, M.D., Reuben Hendler, M.D., and Joseph Stoklosa, M.D.

Core Didactics

Didactic curriculum will be co-developed and taught by CEP faculty and residents. Didactics occur monthly on Wednesday evenings. Didactic topics may include:

  • Teaching Skills (e.g. Adult Learning Theory, Clinical Teaching Skills, Didactic Teaching Skills, Feedback, etc.)
  • Development of Curricula and Educational Tools
  • Career Development Series (e.g. CV, Faculty Tracks, Promotion, Skills for Being a Supervisor and Mentor, etc.)
  • Educational Research (e.g. Journal Club, Research Design, Assessing Outcomes, etc.)

Teaching Opportunities

The MGH/McLean community provides a number of venues for CEP residents to hone their teaching skills. Possible teaching venues include:

  • The PGY1 – 4 Rotation-Based Didactics;
  • Didactics for MS3s and MS4s;
  • Clinical Tutor or Preceptor for MS3s
  • Junior Attending on an Inpatient Unit (PGY4s only).

CEP Mentor

Each CEP resident is assigned a mentor to guide their career development as a clinician educator. The CEP mentor will guide residents in developing, implementing, and disseminating their required Educational Projects. Specifically the mentors will assist residents in finding teaching opportunities; provide guidance in the planning and/or development of their teaching activity; and assist with the implementation of the resident’s teaching strategy. Additionally, CEP mentors can provide individual feedback by directly observing (live, or by watching video) their mentee’s teaching activities.

Educational Project

Each CEP resident, under the guidance of their mentor, will pursue an Educational Project. An “educational project” is widely defined and could include the development and/or implementation of curricula, teaching/educational tools, educational innovations or technologies, assessment tools/methods, or medical education research projects. Examples of projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Using simulation to teach residents about the management of acute agitation;
  • Developing an “Intern-as-Teacher” casebook to facilitate interns’ teaching of medical students;
  • Development and implementation of a novel curriculum on personality disorders;
  • Soliciting residents’ perspectives on the new Psychiatry Milestones;
  • Increasing the use of video-observation in outpatient supervision.

Dinners at Faculty Homes

Approximately three times per year the CEP meets over dinner, hosted by a CEP faculty member, to discuss program business and resident progress. Additionally, residents and faculty who recently attended national or local meetings/courses will share “meeting highlights.” CEP dinners are open to all residents who are interested in joining the program. Attending the CEP dinners is an excellent way to learn more about resident and faculty interests and ongoing projects.

Attendance at Local and National Conferences, Seminars, and Courses

CEP residents are encouraged to attend local medical education-related seminars or conferences when able. Local seminars and conferences include:

All residents in the CEP are also encouraged to attend at least one national meeting per year during PGY3 and PGY4, and the CEP is able to provide a limited number of travel awards to support attendance. Annual meetings may include (among others): AAP, AADPRT, AAMC, and ADMSEP.

Desired Outcomes of the CEP

  • Develop advanced teaching skills
  • Provide a service to the junior residents by serving as skilled teachers, both in clinical and didactic settings
  • Develop expertise in the field of medical education, including curriculum development, assessment tools, etc.
  • Become facile with both appraising and conducting medical education research;
  • Receive mentorship and guidance with respect to career development
  • Develop a portfolio of academic scholarship
  • Develop relationships with other clinician educators across specialties and institutions
  • Develop skills and experience to enable them to succeed in careers as clinician educators.

How to Apply

Residents may apply to the CEP at the beginning of their PGY2 or PGY3 year. Residents who desire to join the CEP in PGY4 require special approval from the CEP directors. Applicants should meet with the CEP directors to discuss their interests in medical education prior to applying.

It has been a great opportunity to learn principles of adult education and receive mentorship from dedicated yet approachable and fun faculty members, all the while getting to spend quality time with my co-residents. As a result of my engagement in the CEP, I have done a substantial amount of teaching in the residency, was a part of two presentations accepted to a national conference, and plan to continue make clinical education a major part of my career!” – Tim Shea, Class of 2022

CEP is one of my favorite parts of residency training. I have found the didactics to be some of the best during residency and always enjoy the sessions. The CEP provides invaluable support and mentorship, both in terms of arranging formal mentors as well as with residents from the other classes within the program.” – Stephanie Davidson, Class of 2018

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