About Dan Chait, MD, MSEd

Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Dan Chait will obtain his MD from the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in physics in 2008. He then taught physics and SAT prep at a high school in Brooklyn, where he was the first physics teacher in the school’s history. Recognizing the inequities in college preparatory supports for students in New York, he went on to found a non-profit called Private Prep which provided free SAT tutoring services, mentorship programs and college advising for public school students in New York. He has doneresearchattheintersectionofgastroenterologyandpsychiatryandhopestocontinuethisscholarship. Heiscommittedtohismeditation practice, and he loves exotic plants and backyard fruit and vegetable cultivation.

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